Known Us

The New School:
“St. John’s Universal School” at Palavakkam is a unique school which facilitates individual talent and suits every child’s different learning abilities.
Why St. John’s Universal School?
“School” as a public institute is undoubtedly more than just a dispenser of academic excellence. As a major civil institute it has a defacto responsibility to guide the students’ development into well adjusted, independent and successful adults. In the light of this broader role, the social aspect of schooling seems every bit as important as the academic one.
A modern infrastructure,continuing realignment of curriculum and pedagogy and a committed and skilled faculty are essential ingredients of a new age school.
As parents, we are eager to bequeath our rich heritage and a promising future to our children. We are keen that the next generation avails of new opportunities without losing their moral, cultural and ethical moorings. Our children need to imbibe the attributes of learning, winning and leading.Parents are keen in finding an effective facilitator who would attend the child’s scholastic and multi-dimensional needs. SJUS may well be the ultimate option.
The school is situated in Palavakkam in an idyllic setting on the East Coast Road (ECR) – an amazing stretch of road known for its scenic beauty and renowned as an important corridor in Tamilnadu interlinking Chennai with a series of small villages along the coast of Bay of Bengal. The school is no doubt designed functionally, aesthetically and architecturally with uncompromising standards. The objective of such an institution is to empower the child to achieve academic, physiological and artistic excellence through independent thought, creative outlook and a balanced point of view, in a multicultured environment that is stimulating, challenging and grounded in value. Education in such an ambience is a rewarding experience for our students.
School Ethos:
Our school aims to provide a secure and welcoming environment that fosters progress, achievement, aspiration and the social skills to use abilities in a community. We value rigorous academic standards with care and consideration. The school values discipline in both work ethics and personal conduct. The essentials in this process for achieving high standards are
❖ To value creativity within and beyond school.
❖ To build the self esteem of the individual by acknowledging and valuing achievements.
❖ To encourage individuals to be independent, imaginative and resourceful.
❖ To value initiative and a sense that all have potential to contribute.
❖ To equip children with the academic and social skills they need in everyday life.
❖ To prepare for the next stage of education.
❖ To equip members of the school community with the skills and knowledge to enhance their current and future lives.
❖ To have a clear vision of high standards and to strive to meet them.
❖To provide a broad, balanced, relevant education that has diversity of content and learning methods.
❖ To foster enquiring minds that want to know more.
The Name – St. John’s:
The Name - St. John’s in School Circle came into existence in the year 1968. Today St. John’s has become a brand name in Education circle as they specialize exclusively in school education. St. John’s educates more than 12,000 children annually through 7 of its institutions in Chennai.
Member of St. John’s Group:
St. John’s Universal School is the new member of the St. John’s Group, which has earned a great reputation in the field of education. They are institutions with high commitments to academic excellence, intellectual growth, artistic development, sportsmanship and high standards of ethical awareness. St. John’s Group considers education to be a life – long process and endeavors to integrate quality with quantity as it forges ahead.
Full Fledged CBSE – Day School:
As the world progresses towards the emerging trends of the third millennium, education remains the mainstay of development. In times to come, there will be greater challenges and demands on secondary education.CBSE is ever conscious of such global changes and is making constant efforts to identify the issues and formulate future plans.St. John’s Universal School incorporates the ideology that CBSE represents.
The New Breed School:
St.John’s Universal School belongs to the ‘New Breed Schools’ with a new perspective for Good Schooling.
✾ The School is affiliated to Central Board of Second Education (CBSE),which is the largest educational board in the country.
✾ St.John’s Universal School is a regular day school.

Mission Statement:
Engage Empower, Excel:
❖To build a community of students who are engaged in learning activities in a stress free, joyful environment, empowering them to excel.
❖To recognize and appreciate the multiple intelligence of students, leading to the enhancement of their talents and skills in the field of academics, art and sports.
❖To include reading as a meaningful hobby so that students grow up to be mature individuals aware of the contemporary social and political taking positive,healthy decisions in life in addition to fostering a good taste in literature.
❖To instil an inquisitive spirit leading to the enhancement of thinking skills thereby promoting a scientific temperament.
❖To provide opportunities for the students to lead an excellent life through value based, humanitarian and philanthropic activities.
School Philosophy and Vision:
Our vision is to provide a happy,caring and stimulating environment where children will be recognized and enabled to achieve their fullest potential.
Philosophy of our school:
✦ To help each child to develop the power to think critically and reason independently.
✦ To provide an atmosphere in which each child’s creativity and inquistiveness can be nurtured.
✦ To help the student develop a positive self image.
✦ To create a classroom atmosphere where each child is accepted.
✦ To foster healthy development of body and mind.
✦ To provide extra curricular activities which promotes good sportsmanship and school spirit.
✦ To promote opportunity in responsible leadership.
Facilities Offered:
St. John’s Universal School provides a wide range of facility for its students for a better educational environment.
- Spacious well ventilated Class Rooms.
- Efficient & dedicated Team of Teaching Faculty.
- Well equipped Library.
- Indoor Game facility.
- Net Practice for Cricket Coaching.
- Well equipped Mathematics Lab.
- Composite Science Lab.
- Upgraded Computer Lab.
- Aesthestically designed Parent Lobby.
- Open to sky Halls.